Aqueduct, Adduction, Distribution and Reticulation for Water Supply networks
Networks surveys, flow surveys, planning and execution of hydraulic monitoring campaigns and networks field test, Municipal water supply scheme design, illegal connections and unmetered connections analysis, networks hydraulic models building, model calibration with field test data, model validation against SCADA data, system performance assessment, operational model development, water audits and data validation, development of future models scenarios, leakage survey and management, water loss (technical and commercial) assessment and management, Non-Revenue Water (NRW) reduction projects, Minimum Night Flow concepts, top down and bottom up IWA water balance development, DMA (District Metered Area) design, pressure management designs, network system energy optimisation and efficiency improvement, water abstraction systems, bulk water infrastructure, Water Treatment Plants (WTPs), intermittent water supply assessment and mitigation solutions, strategies for transitioning to continuous supply.
Stormwater, Sanitary and Combined sewers
Networks and flows/levels surveys, planning and execution of Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) surveys and analysis for the identification of the Extraneous Water (EW), Municipal wastewater scheme design, wastewater systems baseline establishment, definition of the Combined Sewer Overflow basins (CSO basins), networks hydraulic models building, model calibration with field test data and model validation against SCADA data, verify the functioning of the sewage networks in dry and wet (rainy) condition, identify/verify the wastewater flow rates and pollutant loads to the treatment plants, sewerage catchment hydrological modelling, urban drainage and storm water management, Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) for urban flood risk management, wastewater systems energy optimisation and efficiency improvement, wastewater infrastructure design, improved sanitation facilities (on-site and sewered), Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) including ponds and wetlands for water treatment.
The company has set up a DEPARTMENT specialises in the design and implementation of DETAILED TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYS of wastewater and water supply networks, their special artefacts and appurtenance structures and MONITORING – MEASUREMENT CAMPAIGNS for water level, water velocity, water temperature, flow rate and pressure in both sewer and water supply systems strictly in accordance with HSE (Health-Safety-Environment) regulations.
In relation to the measurements campaigns that involve staff entering in underground sewerage or tunnels, Idrostudi has conformed to the Occupational Health and Safety Management systems (OHS) ISO 45001.
Idrostudi performs measurement campaigns for collecting flows and pressure records to provide updated systems input data for a pre-established time. The provided activities additionally cover the quality and functionality assessment of existing bulk meters and customer meters, flow measurements and pressure control of the DMAs, carries out step-testing for leakage detection, conducts detailed zone measurements of continuity, night flow and other leakage parameters to be used in conjunction with the hydraulic modelling for NRW management.

Idrostudi designs, plans and carries out topographical sewerage network surveys collecting information on manholes, iron covers, cover slabs, invert levels, weirs, overflow spillways, lift stations, flood control gates, and any kind of sewerage appurtenance structures. Idrostudi provides the Clients with information concerning the location of pipe work and valves, confirmation of materials used and line and level of the pipes and sewers. CCTV inspections are also carried out for the identification of sewerage defects and faults such as cracks, displaced joints and obstructions.
One of the most promising activities offered by Idrostudi is represented by the sewerage in situ hydrometric monitoring for Inflow/Infiltration (I/I) study. The hydrometric measuring sensors are immersed in the wastewater in order to continuously record the level and the speed of the water (and consequently derive the flow rate), as well as the temperature. The analysis allows identifying a typical flow rate both in dry and wet conditions, to verify the correct functioning of the network and to quantify Inflow/Infiltration phenomena and their distribution in a sewer district.

To learn more about the network and to design or modernise water networks or sections of the same, Idrostudi uses the most well-known calculation software to develop numerical models of constant and variable water flow rates. Idrostudi owns and currently runs different proprietary hydraulic and numerical models (MIKE URBAN+, InfoWorks ICM, Urbano Ultimate, MatLab) as well as license-free models (Storm Water Management Model – SWMM, EPANET) and in-house developed tools for network optimization, water balance tools, water loss analysis, NRW analysis tools (WATERGUARD), Inflow/Infiltration analysis tools.
All the mentioned software is integrated with CAD and GIS environment (ArcGIS, QGIS, AutoCAD, Civil 3D) and are compliant with international standards/protocols. The most appropriate model is chosen for each study based on the Idrostudi wide experience in using different sewerage network models.